Financial Accounting Printed Question Paper BCOM 2022
Unit I
Q1.Define Accounting Explain its Nature and Scope of Accounting.
Q2. Difference between Book keeping & Accounting.also Explain the Concept of GAAP.
Q3.Explain the Following
A)Separate Entity Concept
B)Conventions OF Conservatism
C)Accounting Period Concept
d)Matching Principle
Q4.Accounting Standard V//S IFRS
Q5.Capital Expenditure is difference from Revenue Expenditure Explain by Suitable Example.
Q1.Define Partnership And Also Explain the Partnership Deed & Its Feature.
Q2.Difference Between Fluctuating and Fixed Capital.
Q3.Explain The Revaluation & Realization Accounts And Also Explain the What amount are Recoded in debit and Credit Side of a Revolution Accounts
Q1. Mention four features of Hire-Purchase System. Distinguish between Hire-purchase System and Instalment Purchase System.
Q2. Define Royalty. Discuss its various types. Also distinguish between royalty and rent.
Q3. Explain the following items in relation to Royalty Accounts:
a) Minimum rent.
b) Shortworkings.
c) Sub-lease.
d) Strike and lockout.
Q1.What is Voyage Accounts? What items are Usually Recoded in Debit And Credit Side of Voyage Accounts. Explain the Specimen's of Voyage Accounts
Q2.What is the Meaning of Loss of Profit Policy how the Amount of claim to be Find out Under the loss of profit policy.
Q3.Explian in Brief
a)Dependent Branch & Independent Branch