
Showing posts from September, 2022

PYQ 2018-19 Selling and Advertising

  Q1. Catalogues, magazines, newspaper and invitations to organization-sponsored  events are associated with the marketing mix activity of  (a) Manufacture  (b) Production  (c) Promotion  (d) Development Q2. Advertisement is a type of   (a) Outdoor marketing (b) Indirect marketing  (c) Share marketing  (d) Transaction marketing  Q3..... Is non-personal mass communication which has become a powerful means  of education and bulk selling.   a) Advertising budget  b) Advertising  c) Marketing  d) Communication  Q4. which medium has both short lead times and a short lifespan?  a) TV  b) Newspaper  c) Bus shelters  d) Magazines  Q5. a product purchase cycle may also influence media....  a) Planning  b) Scheduling  c) Mix  d) Cost  Q6. Promotion mix includes Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Advertising and a) Marketing  b) Sales  c) Publicity  d) None of these Q7. A consumer contest is an example of.  a) Personal Selling  b) Sales Promotion  c) Advertisement  d) Indirect Selling  8.Searchin

PYQ Business Communication 2018-19

  1. The term "communis" derived from ...........word. a. Greek. b. Latin. c. Chinese. d. English.   2. Communication means...........information, feeling and thoughts, with others. a. To receive. b. Exchange of c. Conveying. d. All the above.   3. Grapevine communication is associated with.. ..communication. a. Formal b. Informal c. Horizontal d Vertical   4. Lateral communication is between a. Superior and subordinate. b. Same cadre of personal. c. Subordinate and superior. d. Among all.   5. Audio Visual communication combines a. Auditory only. b. Visual only. c. Both auditory & visual. d. Written.   6. Communication problems otherwise known as a. Enquiry. b. Barriers.   7. Posters fall under .communication. a. Oral. b. Visual. c. Written. d. Spoken.   8. Informal communication is otherwise known as communication. a. Grapevine. b. Lateral. c. Visual. d. Horizontal.     9. Hori

Public Finance PYQ 2018-19

 which of the following is not a characteristics of public goods. A. Non-excludability. B. Non rivalry. C. Goods are divisible. D. Goods are indivisible. Ans: C Q2.which of the following finance minister presented budget maximum time. A. Dr.manmohan singh B. Pranab Mukharjee. C. Morarji Desai. D. P.chitambaram. Ans: C 93. the incidence of tax means that  A. The rate of taxation. B. One who immediate responsible to pay the tax. C. One who bear the ultimate money burden of the tax. D. The effect of taxes on demand of the product. Ans: C Q4. Adam smith laid down four canons of taxation. which of the following was not originally laid down by him. A. Canon of economy. B. Canon of certainty. C. Canon of convenience. D. Canon of elasticity ANS:d 95.the theory incidence of taxes given by   A. Pigou. B. Dalton. C. Seligman. D. Marshall. Ans: b Q6. if elasticity of supply is more than. A. Incidence of tax on buyer B. Incidence of tax on seller C. impact of tax on buyer D. Impact of tax on seller


  1. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 came into force on a.1st April 1930 b.1st July 1930 c.1st June 1930 d.1st January 1930 Ans- (b) 1st July 1930 2. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 is not applicable to a. Actionable Claims b. Sale of Movable Property c. Sale of Immovable Property d. Both a & c Ans- (c) Sale of Immovable Property 3. Sale of Goods Act, 1930 is an Act to law relating to the sale of goods. a. Define and Amend b. Define or Amend C. Consolidate and amend d. Consolidate, define and amend Ans- (a) Define and Amend 4. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 is applicable to a.Whole of India b. Whole of India (except the State of Jammu and Kashmir) c. Only b d. Both a & b Ans- (a) Whole of India 5. Section 2(1) of Sale of Goods Act defines 'buyer' as a.Person who buys or agrees to buy goods. b. Person who buys and agrees to buy goods. c. Person who buys goods. d. Person who agrees to buy goods. Ans- (a) Person who buys or agrees to buy goods. 6. Section 2(13) of Sale of Goods Act d