1. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 came into force on

a.1st April 1930

b.1st July 1930

c.1st June 1930

d.1st January 1930

Ans- (b) 1st July 1930

2. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 is not applicable to

a. Actionable Claims

b. Sale of Movable Property

c. Sale of Immovable Property

d. Both a & c

Ans- (c) Sale of Immovable Property

3. Sale of Goods Act, 1930 is an Act to law relating to the sale of goods.

a. Define and Amend

b. Define or Amend

C. Consolidate and amend

d. Consolidate, define and amend

Ans- (a) Define and Amend

4. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 is applicable to

a.Whole of India

b. Whole of India (except the State of Jammu and Kashmir)

c. Only b

d. Both a & b

Ans- (a) Whole of India

5. Section 2(1) of Sale of Goods Act defines 'buyer' as

a.Person who buys or agrees to buy goods.

b. Person who buys and agrees to buy goods.

c. Person who buys goods.

d. Person who agrees to buy goods.

Ans- (a) Person who buys or agrees to buy goods.

6. Section 2(13) of Sale of Goods Act defines 'Seller' as

a.Person who sells or agrees to sell goods

b. Person who sells and agrees to buy goods

c. Person who sells goods

d. Person who agrees to sells goods

Ans- (a) Person who sells or agrees to sell goods

6. Section 2(13) of Sale of Goods Act defines 'Seller' as

a.Person who sells or agrees to sell goods

b. Person who sells and agrees to buy goods

c. Person who sells goods

d. Person who agrees to sells goods

Ans- (a) Person who sells or agrees to sell goods

7. Before the enactment of Sale of Goods Act, the provisions regarding Sale of Goods were contained in

a. Indian Partnership Act 1932

b. Indian Contract Act 1872

c. Negotiable Instrument Act 1881

d. Transfer of Property Act 1882

Ans- (b) Indian Contract Act 1872

8. Which of the following cannot be included in the term "goods" defined under section 2(7) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930?

a. Stock

b. Actionable claims and money

c. Growing Crops

d. Shares

Ans- (b) Actionable claims and Money

9. Which of the following is included in the term "goods" defined under section 2(7) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930?

a. Stock

b. Growing Crops

c. Shares

d. All of the above

Ans- (d) All of the above

10. Goods which are in existence at the time of the Contract of Sale is called as

a. Future Goods

b. Specific Goods

c. Existing Goods

d. Current Goods

Ans- (c) Existing Goods

11. Which of the following is not a form of delivery?

a. Actual delivery

b. Constructive delivery

c. Symbolic delivery

d. Fast delivery

Ans- (d) Fast delivery

12. Which of the following is/are form of delivery?

a. Actual delivery

b. Constructive delivery

c. Symbolic delivery

d. All of the above

Ans- (d) All of the above

13. When the goods are physically delivered to the buyer is known as

a. Actual delivery

b. Constructive delivery

c. Symbolic delivery

d. All of the above

Ans- (a) Actual delivery

....form of delivery takes place when a person in possession of the goods belonging to the seller acknowledges to the buyer that he holds the goods on buyer's behalf.

a. Symbolic delivery

b. Constructive delivery

c. Actual delivery

d. None of these

Ans- (b) Constructive delivery

15. A warranty is stipulation

a. Essential to the main purpose of the contract

b. Essential to the primary part of the contract

c.Collateral to the main purpose of the contract

d. None of these

Ans- (c) Collateral to the main purpose of the contract

16. A stipulation which is essential to the main purpose of the contract is called as

a. Guarantee

b. Condition

c. Warranty

d. Terms and Conditions

Ans- (b) Condition

17. In case of sale of goods, the doctrine 'Caveat Emptor' means

a. Let the buyer beware

b. Let the buyer be afraid

c. Both a & b

d. None of these

Ans- (a) Let the buyer beware

18. The property in the goods means

a. Possession of the goods

b. Ownership of the goods

c. Both a & b

d. None of these

Ans- (b) Ownership of the goods

19. As per Sec 45(1) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, the seller of goods is deemed to be an 'Unpaid Seller' when

a. The whole of the price has not been paid or tendered & the seller had an immediate right of action for the price.

b. When a bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument has been received as conditional payment & the condition on which it was received has not been fulfilled by C.reason of the dishonor of the instrument or otherwise.

Both a & b

d. None of these

Ans- (c) Both a & b

19. As per Sec 45(1) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, the seller of goods is deemed to be an 'Unpaid Seller' when_

a. The whole of the price has not been paid or tendered & the seller had an immediate right of action for the price.

b. When a bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument has been received as conditional payment & the condition on which it was received has not been fulfilled by reason of the dishonor of the instrument or otherwise.

Both a & b

d. None of these

Ans- (c) Both a & b

21. In which of the following conditions, the right of lien is exercised by unpaid seller?

a. Where goods have been sold without any stipulation of credit

b. Where goods have been sold on credit but the term of credit has expired

c. Where the buyer becomes insolvent

D.All of the above

Ans- (d) All of the above

22. In which of the following conditions, the right of re-sale is exercised by unpaid seller?

a. Where the goods are of a perishable nature

b. Where the property in goods has not passed to the buyer

c. Both a & b

d. None of these

Ans- (c) Both a & b

23. If the seller commits a breach of contract, the buyer gets rights against the seller.

a. Damages for non delivery

b. Suit for breach of warranty

c. Suit for interest

d. All of the above

Ans: d

1. A proposal when accepted becomes a agreement enforceable by law is and an

a. agreement, acceptance

b. promise, contract

C. contract, promise

d. acceptance, consideration

Ans: b

2. An agreement which prevents a person from carrying a lawful business is ´under Contract Act, 1872. 

a. void/section 27

b. voidable/section 28

c. illegal/section 26

d. valid/section 10

Ans: a

3. Which of the following statements are true?

a.Contract = agreement + enforceability at law

b.Agreement = offer + acceptance

C.Both a and b

d. none of the above

Ans: C 

Contracts classified on the basis of performance are

a. Executed contract

b. Executory contracts

c. Partly executed or partly executory contracts

d. All of the above.

Ans: d

5. Mistake of Fact can be of two types

a. Own and foreign

b. Unilateral & Bilateral

c. Unilateral & Foreign

d. Own and bilateral

Ans: b

Section 68 to the Indian Contract Act describes the cases which are deemed contracts.

a. 72, Quasi

b. 73, Contingent

c. 74, Invalid

d. 75, Void

Ans: a

7. Quantum Meruit means much as earned

b. as much as performed

c. as much as found

d. as much as worked

Ans: a

8. The law of contract is contained in the Indian Contract Act, 1872 which came into force on

a. 1st September, 1872

b. 15th September, 1873

c. 1st October, 1872

d. 15th October, 1874

Ans: a

Section 2(j) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 defined

a. valid contract

b. void contract

c. voidable contract

d. quasi contract

Ans:. B

10. The breach of contract may be

a. Actual

b. Anticipatory

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Ans: C

11. Consideration can be classified into types.

a. eight

b. nine

C. six


Ans: D

12. The person to whom the proposal is made is called the

a. offerer

b. offeree

C. proposer

d. promisor

Ans: B

13. Pledge is a special kind of


b. Rule

C. Business

d. Product

Ans: a

14. All illegal agreements are


b. voidable

C. valid

d. illegal

Ans: a

15. The term 'proposal' used in the Indian Contract Act is synonymous with the term

a. promise

b. offer

c. acceptance

d. agreement

Ans: b

16. The correct sequence in formation of a contract is:

a. offer, acceptance, consideration, agreement

b. offer, consideration, acceptance, agreement

c. agreement, consideration, offer, acceptance

d. offer, acceptance, agreement, consideration

Ans: a

17. What is consent under the Indian Contract Act, 1872:

a. When acceptance of proposal is made by the party to whom the proposal is made

b. When the acceptance is made by another person other than the person to whom the proposal is made

C. When they agree upon the same thing in the same sense

d. When both the parties agree upon a thing in the way it is understood by them

Ans: C 

18. Who among the following is not competent to contract:

a. Person who has acquired the age of 18

b. Person who has acquired the age of 16

c. Person is of sound mind

d. Person who is not disqualified from contracting by any law

Ans: b 

19. A contract in which, under the terms of a contract, one or both the parties have still to perform their obligations in future is known as

a. executed contract.

b. executory contract.

C. unilateral contract.

d. none of the above

Ans: B

20." Consensus - ad - idem” means

a. General Consensus

b. Meeting of minds upon the same thing in the same sense

c. Reaching an agreement

d. Reaching of contract

Ans: b

21. is a one-sided contract in which only one party has to perform his promise or obligation.

a. Void contract

b. Illegal agreement

C. Unilateral contract

d. Bilateral contract


22. Which of these contracts has three parties consisting of creditor, principle debtor and surety:

a. Contract of indemnity

b. Contract of surety

C. Contract of pledge

d. Contract of guarantee

Ans: D

23. Consent is set to be free when it is not caused


b. undue influence

c. fraud or misrepresentation

d. All of the above

Ans: d

24. A contract may be discharged

a. By performance

b.By impossibility of performance

C. By Breach

d. All of the above

Ans: d

25. A lunatic person means…………………………..

a. Alien enemy.

b. Person disqualified by law

C. Person of unsound mind

d. Insolvent person

Ans: C 

The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 is an Act to define and amend the law relating to:


bills of exchange

promissory notes,

All of the above

Correct Option: D

In a Promissory Note, how many parties are involved:





Correct Option: B

Q.6:- The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 extends to:

Only to Capital cities of the States.

The whole of India.

The whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

The whole of India except the Union Territories.

Correct Option: B

Q.8:- Section 5 of the NI Act deals with:

Bills of Exchange

Holder in due course


Promissory Note

Correct Option: A

Q.9:- 20. A ‘Cheque’ is a Bills of exchange and has been defined under:

The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

The General Clauses Act, 1897

The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934

The Banking Regulation Act, 1949

Ans: a

Q.18:- A promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable to order, is negotiable:

By endorsement and delivery thereof.

By the holder by endorsement

By delivery thereof.

None of the above.

Correct Option: A

The maker of a bill of exchange or cheque is called:

The drawee

The payee

The drawer

The banker

Ans: C 

The definition of ‘Promissory Note’ has been defined in the NI Act in:

Section 7

Section 6

Section 5

Section 4

Correct Option: D

Question 1

Consumer Protection Act is significant to

A) Immovable Goods

B) Movable Goods

C) Particular Goods and Services

D) All Goods and Services

Answer: D

Question 2

How many rights does a consumer have under the Consumer Protection Act?

A) 8

B) 6

C) 4

D) 5

Answer: B

Question 3

Under the Consumer Protection Act, the rights of a consumer do not include to be

A) Safety

B) Choose

C) Presented

D) Informed

Answer: C

Question 4

When the seller manipulates the price, it is known as

A) Caveat Emptor

B) Unfair trade practices

C) Restricted trade practices

D) None of the above

Answer: C

Question 5

Under this act, the minimum age of forum member of a district forum should be

A) 30

B) 40

C) 35

D) 65

Answer: C

Question 6

The maximum age for a state commission member should be

A) 60

B) 35

C) 70

D) 67

Answer: D

Question 7

The maximum age national commission member should be

A) 60

B) 35

C) 70

D) 65

Answer: C

Question 8

Which of the following forum can reappoint the same person as its member?

A) National commission

B) State commission

C) District commission

D) None of the above

Answer: D

Question 9

In which forum is it compulsory to have a female member?

A) National commission

B) State commission

C) District commission

D) All of the above

Answer: D

Question 10

Within how many days does the opposite party have to answer after they are informed about the complaint?

A) 30

B) 5

C) 20

D) 15

Answer: A

Ques1.) When was Consumer Protection Act 2019 ratified?

August 9th 2019

August 7th 2019

August 9th 2018

August 10th 2019

Ans. A. The Consumer Protection Act 2019 

Ques 2.) Which Consumers Right is not guaranteed under Consumer Protection Act, 2019?

Right to Choose

Right to Exploitation

Right to be Heard

Right to seek redressal

Ans. B. 

Ques 3.) Who can make a complaint under this Act?


3rd Person


None of the above

Ans. A. i. a consumer

Ques 5.) What is the Fiscal jurisdiction of the District Commission?

Up to 1 Crore

Up to 5 Crore

Up to 10 Crore

None of the above

Ans. A. District Commission: Upto 1cr, State Commission: 1 cr – 10cr, National Commission: above 10cr


Unknown said…
thank you brother you do a lot for us there is no one like you I have a lot of believe on you on your team , once again thank you so much ❤️
Anonymous said…
I am really thankful of you team...... For this mcq..... Again thank u so much
Unknown said…
Thankyou for providing this!.
Divyanshu soni said…
this is very helpfull to us.
Unknown said…
Bas itna padhne se pass ho jaunga
Unknown said…
Thank you bhaiya you are doing very effort for us
Unknown said…
Thankyou so much sir...
Unknown said…
thank you bhaiya for these mcqs and your content
Anonymous said…
Sir rule no 1930 was correct in this mcq for including Jammu and Kashmir.
Unknown said…
Thabku so much sir ❤️
Ekta Awasthi said…
Thanku so much sir u doing a great job....☺️🙏#luupdate
Unknown said…
Its very helpful the way u make us prepared before the exam

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